Born from the need for improved light, compact and versatile edge sharpeners for uses from home or workplace to remote wilderness.

ALLHONE twin Angle Sharpener handle's flat surfaces align the blade angle and this speeds up resharpening.

Not sure that you are resharpening at the best angle every time? This tool fixes this problem without the need of complicated devices to help you achieve a consistent resharpening angle and save time in the process instead wasting time removing shoulder steel instead of sharpening the actual edge angle.

Palm held handle provides opposing 12.5/12.5 ,
15/15 , 17.5/17.5  angled flat surfaces for creating a single edge on your blade.

The handle provides the opposing flat surfaces at 12.5 degrees adjacent to the respective diamond stone.

Average pocket knife angle from the edge to the spine to the spine centre is 3.5 to 4.5 degrees so this ends up as 16 to 17 degrees resharpening angle respectively.

Simply lay a flat side of the blade onto to the flat handle surface adjacent to the diamond stone to set the angle for resharpening the blade edge. Then move the blade in forward and then backward in a rotational motion and relay the blade onto the flat surface to re-align the degree and repeat motion until resharpened.

The image of the 3 Mercators illustrates edges produced by myself without much practice. I had sharpened half dozen edges for practice before. The edges shown are neat and re-sharpened faster.

12.5 for shaving using fine stones 600/3000

15 for cutting with reduced risk of edge chipping. Best for actual cutting use is the 240/1200 grits at 15 degrees. Toothy edge

17.5 general use

Best 240/1200 at 15 degree. Shaving edge is smooth and therefor not as good for actual practical cutting. In actual use we do not spend our time with knives in any measurable useful way shaving ourselves. To create a shaver edge you also need to spend more time on fine stones and strops. I recommend this combination 240/1200 at 15 degree for real use. The toothy edge cuts better so the 240 stone does that . Think of steak knives that are serrated. Its common sence.

Pocket sized only approx 14 cm long

Diamond stone surfaces approx 75mm x 30mm.

Preferably cover diamond grit surface with oil for storage as micro knife steel particles produced during sharpening may not be stainless so can rust.

ALLHone Angle Guide Twin Diamond Sharpener will produce a good clean and efficiently sharpened edge with a little practice. Repeatable in the field without complicated apparatus.